New Crosswalk Flags Added at the Intersection of John Marshall + Little Falls in Arlington, VA - Thanks to TDI Homes
Many kids walk to and from Nottingham Elementary and Williamsburg Middle School have to cross Little Falls which is a very busy road. There have been multiple tragic accidents recently near that intersection so TDI Homes decided to do something about the issue. They partnered with See Me Flags and sponsored crosswalk flags on all four corners of the intersection to make it safer for walkers. They also added a set at the intersection of Little Falls, Kensington and Yorktown Blvd to make that intersection safer for pedestrians.
Little Falls is used by many commuters and kids walking to school. Keeping kids safe as they walk to school was a big reason that TDI Homes stepped in to help make the streets in Arlington safer.
Thank you TDI Homes!!!
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My kids love using the crosswalk flags and it makes me feel more comfortable letting them walk to and from school. Thank you TDI Homes.
This is such a nice thing for TDI Homes to do to make the neighborhood a bit safer. Little Falls has had two tragic accidents in the past few years. Drivers are just distracted and the hills make it hard to see the pedestrians crossing the street.
Thanks TDI Homes!!!